
if you'll put a cigarette in your mouth, you'll put anything in your mouth

Sorry it took so long for the update, I had to get my personal apple genius to teach me how to switch an imovie file to .mov :)


ok, so i got sidetracked

But now I'm back on top of things... I think.  

I'm in history of architecture right now... I just looked up and my preceptor is talking about the syntax and semantics of sentences... what does this have to do with architecture?  No idea, I think he's comparing the elements of architecture to the structure of sentences...

On my way to class I saw that the "protesters" are here.  It's a group of men who come every year and stand at the campanile preaching about our wrong ways.  They carry these ridiculously large signs that say things like "homo sex is sin".  They bring their wives who sit behind them in folding chairs, skin completely covered.  I'm talking they have on pantyhose, long wool skirts, long sleeve shirts, blazers, close toed shoes, and sometimes hats or headscarves.  It's downtown Atlanta, it's friggin hot right now.  Their hair is always long and braided down the back and I haven't seen them speak once in three years.  They also bring some of their children, the ones I saw today were about 8 years old.  Why aren't these kids in school?  Good question.  But anyways they come every year and the tell us homosexuality is wrong, this is their big issue.  They also talk about how we are doomed for hell, masturbating is a sin, they call fraternity brothers whore-mongers, and say that every girl who goes here is a slut asking for diseases and unplanned pregnancies.  Today I heard them say "I'm going to ask you all a question and you can raise your cloven hooves of you have an answer".   All in all the student population looks forward to their appearance on campus every semester, it's quite entertaining, it's  kind of like dinner and a movie, except it's lunch.  I'll post later with pictures and maybe some video.


it's 3:51am & i'm tired

it's still not done yet, but it'll do for now...

test post/ places you should go

EVERYONE needs to go check out the marta chronicles blog.  It is an absolutely hilarious and completely true portrayal of life in Atlanta.