Can we talk about the amazing game that Tech and UGA just played? I can't believe we won, but I am SO unbelievably happy! GO JACKETS! FIGHT, WIN, DRINK, GET NAKED:)
Can we talk about the amazing game that Tech and UGA just played? I can't believe we won, but I am SO unbelievably happy! GO JACKETS! FIGHT, WIN, DRINK, GET NAKED:)
i hate it when a make a beautifully laid out post, and then when i publish it it does all this crazy text wrapping and line shifting crap... saddness... but oh well, im not taking the time to fix it
So I get to my preceptorial for architecture history today, thinking its going to be just as boring as every other week. I was wrong... by far the best preceptorial I've ever been to. We spent the majority of the class watching an "educational video" on the royal saltworks at arc-et-senans, but at the beginning of class we spent some time talking about neo-classicism and Boullee and Ledoux. My preceptor was trying to emphasize to us how Boullee and Ledoux created buildings that were not as ornamented on the outside because they wanted to focus on experimenting with geometric form. Ledoux continues to push this symbolism to a bizarre level in order to express the function of a building in its shape. Ok, I'll buy that... lets have some examples shall we?